Mr. Blair:

Once again you share your wisdom by arguing for patience when investing. From what I can see natural gas prices in the US will probably remain low for the next few months. Buying the companies you have selected (I do own a few of the companies mentioned but I trim 90% of my positions about 2 months ago based my my understanding of the price charts). I have recently started to rebuy those positions but at about 20-25% lower basis. I expect to be fully invested by April-May time period.

Thank you


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Is there a chance natural gas will stay in this lower price range because the shale wells are becoming gassier across the US?

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Makes sense if its in a taxable account. My CR and BIR were in a RIF account, Im much more reluctant to trade in my margin account, although did sell all my ARC(arx) in my margin account...

BTW congratulations picking up BIR at $0.88, I had not followed Jeff T at all for years since he was running Stampeder(02 or 03:)), he was a very young guy back then, so only got into BIR the last 12 months or so...

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Fortunate for Europe and UK it never really got cold, I watch it over the years and its a warm one, maybe next winter, they wont have the Ngas coming in from Russia, and LNG is in big demand.

This is the site I like to use, change the 4 to a 1 for US and 2 for Canada


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I agree with your comments, however the Ngas inventory will likely get worst, prices are still high in Europe, California and the NE US, however pipelines are full, LNG running at capacity except for Freeport. Weather mostly mild and we are running out of winter. IMO I think storage inputs have been slowed down as pretty obvious prices were going lower. Until Freeport reopens I wont consider buying any NGas company, I eliminated all my CR and BIR a few weeks ago, Ill keep and eye open. Low prices is helping some of the oil sands, the ones who use lots of NGas, longer term, Costal and LNG Canada will be amazing. Still holding TOU, VET and even added little CEI(VET keeps buying so should be value there?)...

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Your comments are correct in my opinion, but I don't try to time the market. I started buying BIR at $0.88 a share and can't imagine a scenario where I would want to trade out of it.

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Surprised that you did not mention Spartan Delta in your list of gas stocks, has your opinion changed. Thanks for sharing.

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No, Spartan Delta is one of my main holdings. However, it has become as much an oil stock as a gas stock since the Velvet acquisition. I should have included it on the list.

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