A now deceased friend of mine from Karachi once said to me ‘the first squeeze of the lemon yields the most juice’ In 2021 when oil and economies in general were recovering #COM were an interesting and lively bunch. As a generalist I listened and read for clues as to who might be the best players in oil & gas going forward. At first I bought a broad basket but have whittled many away and settled on Cardinal and Suncor in Canada and Exxon and Occidental in the USA. With oil somewhat stabilized from $70-$80 it seems that first squeeze has occurred. #COM were fun but a year was sufficient and I have long since began to hunt for the next lemon so to speak.

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More of the SBC junk. They are not friendly to common equity holders.

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No body’s ever respects us 😂😂😂 it’s all about the green.

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Michael is truly an idiot😂

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He wrote this because someone said he was ignorant of geology/ economics of heavy oil.

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Well, yes ATH struck gold with their IPO in 2010. Nothing new; too many investors overexcited by the oil prospects. On the other hand, those that came back during 2020 super dip and bought ATH under $0.20 have no reason to complain. As for insiders, CEO’s sales were slightly less than 10% of his entire equity stake. Majority of directors have multimillion dollar exposure and, aside from Eric Nuttall, I don’t know of any major sellers. Note that most of the recent selling came in June to avoid capital gains tax changes.

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Finished article. ✅Oh Lordy

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I agree🇨🇦 they want our money to get started to drill to mine whatever. No dividends. When it’s time to bail…. It’s cash out 🤦🏼‍♀️ gold and uranium the same in Canada junior mining 🙅🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️

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