Makes too much sense... it seems to be the Canadian way

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Expecting the Govt. to cut employment and simplify regulations to save money (and reduce the deficit a little bit) is quite logical.

Of course, the political donations of all the surplus govt. employees and the 1000s of tax accountants no longer making a good living by having interns run client data through their tax software, would have to find new jobs. Perhaps they'd get positions in the administration of the "Employment" Canada unemployment payment program, or the Liberals or NDP could start a new low productivity Govt. program.

Obviously, your logical idea will not be implemented.

The last 50 years of increasing complexity and abandonment of principles in the Income Tax system, and its increasing use to social engineer Canadian life suggests little support among the Political Class, and for the Mandarins, the whole idea of cutting staff to save money is anathema.

While you are asking for intelligent reforms that will never be implemented, please ask for a law that makes "Citizenship Economics" a required course for all High School students living in Provinces that get any Federal money for any Educational Program. After all, it would be nice if all Canadians understand the items on a Tax Return, understand what tax incentives are, comprehend compound interest and the difference between GIC and "investing" (for example).

Of course, banks, accountants, lawyers, and probably teachers would oppose the new regulation.

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Spot on. You have my vote.( but keep the cap gains inclusion and dividend gross up/deduction)

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