How can any rational person not agree with you?

Thanks for putting it so well.

The implications are wide, not just specific to the putative Climate Emergency, but to everything the obviously deluded govt. tell us.

If they are so incorrect on of the physics of carbon effects on climate, much less the lack of a specific "emergency", why can we rely on what else they tell us about "reality", much less what is important for increased prosperity and less suffering for those the politicians are supposed to be representing?

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It's so slow that most are not aware of the changes and the source. Perhaps this winter in Europe may awaken a few more. Grid instability and cost are hidden by time and "global warming" fear mongering. The big savior has been LED lighting and more efficient electronic devices.

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This is interesting. Virtually zero radiative heat transfer in the lower atmosphere.


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Bring back TRUMP ... now! I gotta share this on twitter ... thanks again

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I really, really hope that the electorate wakes up soon and distain the legacy media's propaganda. Your commentary is right on.

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