What we need in the UK and Europe, is a short sharp shock - a really harsh severe winter lasting weeks of sub-zero temps (which automatically means no wind).
Such an event, would be enough to kill Net Zero once and for all!
It is a shame - a tragedy that people have to die & much misery & poverty has to be endured before the message is received & understood.
Pain & death may be the only language the political left understand, but sadly we all have to suffer, whilst our political class are largely immune from the detrimental effects of their self-serving decisions.
Michael Thankyou for your thoughtful writings. I am in Australia and my largest holdings are thermal coal exporters to Japan Taiwan and Korea mainly asx listed whc and nhc the free cash flow yields are extraordinary with the market pricing a very low terminal value . Whc reports quarterly on Monday
What we need in the UK and Europe, is a short sharp shock - a really harsh severe winter lasting weeks of sub-zero temps (which automatically means no wind).
Such an event, would be enough to kill Net Zero once and for all!
It is a shame - a tragedy that people have to die & much misery & poverty has to be endured before the message is received & understood.
Pain & death may be the only language the political left understand, but sadly we all have to suffer, whilst our political class are largely immune from the detrimental effects of their self-serving decisions.
Michael Thankyou for your thoughtful writings. I am in Australia and my largest holdings are thermal coal exporters to Japan Taiwan and Korea mainly asx listed whc and nhc the free cash flow yields are extraordinary with the market pricing a very low terminal value . Whc reports quarterly on Monday