Ice vehicles are the smart choice for at least the next 5 years- the pros versus cons on ev vs ice is at least a 5:1 ratio in favour of ice- the depreciation factor that has appeared in last year after Tesla dropped prices like a hammer is just another add to the con list- I’m concerned about all our govt $$ backstopping investments in Windsor and St Thomas battery plants- They will be way under capacity until at least 2030, and if another technology emerges-instant white elephant status!

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The battery plants and hydrogen projects are at best virtue signaling but more likely just an easy way to funnel billions to friends and families. Im sure companies like the old SNC love the richly rewarded work... Giving large grants that are more than the plant would normally costs is stupid at best, but these people arent stupid, just following the money.

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Perhaps improvements will help, but weight is a major concern, also cold weather performances.

The perfect application for an EV is a golf cart, short distance, never too far from the charging station, limited cargo, no heating or AC, limited cold weather, doors, seatbelts roof or much body keeps the weight and charge required way down. I dont golf so not sure if all golf carts are EV's, that should be a no brainer if the technology works at all.

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