Didn’t realize TVO is still going, haven’t watched since Elway Yost and bridge with Charles Goran. The CBC should fund it, they have lots of government money already. I pay way more in taxes to fund CBC and TVO than the other 100+ channels I sometimes watch. Except for some nfl and jeopardy I watch almost zero tv. In the 1950’s and 60’s there was a case for govt funded tv, it’s just propaganda purposes now, and I’d rather not have to pay for my propaganda.

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I grew up in Ontario under Bill Davis and those were good years. I watched as slowly but surely everything became the responsibility of the government. Funded by taxpayers and debt. I finally gave up and sold my business and moved to Alberta which is barely hanging on as the last bastion of capitalism in Canada and even here it's under constant threat from the socialists that think the government should take care of everything. Till we're all broke. If Ford can't pull the plug on TVO it'll be something forced on him. The money Ontario owes will force hard decisions on whoever takes over next.

Thanks for having this forum Mr Blair.

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We’re all biased


All news is biased

Can’t avoid it

But government is supposed to represent all of us

No news outlet could represent all of us and none bother trying to

So why would we taxpayers pay for CBC or TVO ? They are just another biased news outlet . A broken idea that maybe made sense before technology advances .

It’s like CUPE is broken … it can’t cheer on Hamas and pretend to represent its members .Most Government institutions are broken .

Catherine Swift to McMaster’s CUPE LOCAL 3906 on X

“You are disgusting. And the fact that you exist only because Cdns give you billions of our tax $ is doubly disgusting. You have no right to express such an opinion. Time to defund these appalling public sector unions.”

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As an Ontarian who grew up watching only TVO and PBS, I appreciated the world their programs opened up to us before the internet age. However, they are no longer relevant and are a relic of an unsustainable business model on life support of government funding. Given how all these media outlets (especiallt the CBC) are simply mouthpieces of their financial master, and will not fairly cover either centrist or hard right (their name) opinions, I am appalled our tax dollars are going to them.

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As far as CBC funding, only case I can see for it, besides a government slush fund is to fund Quebec French programming, although likely enough of an audience in Quebec to produce plenty. Community channels could be accommodated at very little cost…

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