As a like minded individual who works in the environment ministry of an unnamed western provincial government, you can just imagine the frustration and contempt I have for my colleagues in the public service who are hard core lefties who hold a lemming-like debt of gratitude for the protection that was and continues to be offered by the current sitting federal government and they long for the halcyon days of the past NDP provincial government who are nothing more than plebs for Singh’s perverted national socialist dream.

Please be aware that many public service employees (All levels of government) are socialist nutters who have turned off their intelligence and rationality to tune into rhetorical, fear based propaganda. Get vaccinated!!! Get boosters!!!! Climate crisis!!!!! Free surgery for trans!!!!! Ban IC engines!!!!!! Reparations!!!!!

I am gobsmacked at how everyday life has changed and been eroded just short of chaos over the past 5 years. Visit the downtown of any large urban centre and see how the wonderful leftist ideology has transformed and degraded these already vulnerable elements of society.

It’s sad when people are not able to ask questions and those who exercise free thought are demonized and vilified. In a time of curated news on all platforms- those of weak resolve are indeed lobotomized lemmings who seemingly hold the cards to our collective prosperity.

If you have managed to make it through my short and random opine- I urge you to demand more from your elected officials and keep asking questions and I also encourage you to engage in debate with folks who are spouting rhetoric - not to mock or debase them- but to help them to take off their blinders and wake up! And when the next election comes along- use you democratic right to vote and help bring us back on track.

Mr. Blair- not to grease your wheels- but your words land solid and have true value. Thank you for you conviction and willingness to share your pragmatic, sage advice!

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Would add :

⁃ some humility by politicians would have led them to realize that major contributing factors are obesity and age. By addressing those two instead of full-blown lockdowns of the economy, the livelihoods of families could have been saved as well as an acceptable death count .

⁃ In other words , an economic cost benefit of lockdowns should have been done instead of the key measurement being cumulative deaths . The politicians should’ve had on each side of the podium an economist and a medical expert. Let them each offer their opinions to the public. Then decide. Thereby let the citizens know how the choices are being made and why.

⁃ Achieving Zero deaths if the economy has been killed is not a satisfactory solution.

Similarly with climate change. Do a cost / benefit of letting temperatures rise versus spending Trillions $ to reduce CO2, which may or may not have an impact ( I have no idea)

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Thank you for another insightful report. It is so clear. Sadly no one in gov't has been or will be held accountable.

I will retweet this.

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