BRAVO! A truly wonderful perspective on both THEN and NOW.

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in 1942 Japanese america and canada were sent into a concentration camp for japan's involvment in invasion, occupations and murdering of civilians.

in 2024 Israli Canadian, many of them hold dual citizenship shamelessly calling themelves the victims as israel invaded, occupied, bombmed other nations; murdering 13,500 children in just 90 days!


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Empty evil soul have nothing of evidence.

Genocide baby killers supporter of zionist Israel..


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War is hell, the fact that both life boats dropped sank may not have been poor workmanship. In those times with so many dying a decision to get married after knowing a person for a few hours was likely very common. Unsurprisingly most turned out very well.

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A story told with compassion. I liked it. Sam (below) is a perfect example of what you speak.

Will they ever learn.

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It would have been more credible if you had provided some substance.

Zionists are just ungrateful bestards.


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100% of generation X and especially Z support Palestine on tiktok.

History lessons say Palestine is an occupied territories under the brutal occupation by Israel who called and treated Palestinian like animals with apartheid for 75 years.

History also shown Israel killed way more children in 3 months than in Ukraine in 2 years.

This generation understand well that British and America politicians have blood on their hands with every major conflicts after ww2.

This generation knows well what a genocide is as the crimes practically being live stream on Twitter and Instagram.

“What Israel is doing in Gaza is like what Hitler did to the Jews.” https://t.co/7n9FbtUBuL

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A negotiated deal, one that would have seen Palestinian statehood develop, was scuttled by Hamas as they launched a civil war against the PLO. They are not interested in a negotiated settlement or peace.

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Statehood does not require negotiation with anyone, just recognition. When the U.N. adopted the 1917 Balfour declaration in 1948 to create Israel, it abandoned Lord Balfour's promise of recognition of both Israel and Palestine as separate and independent states. Palestine will become a state if and only if the other world states simply recognize it as a state, as most did with the state of Israel. The idea that negotiation is necessary is an admission that in return for recognition as a state, Palestine has to give of part of the independence implied by statehood. You are right that Hamas does not want a Palestinian state, for with one, their movement lacks purpose. Hamas is the problem not the people of Palestine.

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Not at all. When all negotiations and truce offer were turned down by israel; a resistance movement was born; just like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by the Jewish resistance during occupied poland.

Without the balfour and 1967 war by israel, there'd be have been no need for hamas.

The links given below clearly shown israel netanyahu have never had any good intention forward for a 2 state solution.

‘The right to self determination requires that UN member states bring Israel’s occupation to an end. No aid, no money, no arms, no complicity, no trade, no nothing’.

East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan and Sinai are included in Resolution 242. So that, plus all settler colonial territory since then.


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The people in Gaza and Hamas are basically inseparable. They have lived with Hamas and voted them in for 15 years. Just listen to the testimony of the hostages that were freed. The so-called civilians of Gaza kept them in prison. It will take unconditional surrender of Gaza just like it did in Germany and Japan in World War II.

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Hostage released seem happy.

Israel propaganda said they were raped (again); but testimonial from one actually said it was false.

The one paid lip was obviously bribed or intimidated into a false accusation.

Can you provide a picture of the 40 beheaded babies israel claimed?

Funny you mentioned Germany who bought upon the holocaust, but the coward did not fight to revenge them, these cowards took the revenge upon defenseless palestinains who welcome them in the 1940's. - https://www.instagram.com/p/C2OjTdpoWif/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


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You Gobbels are proof why only the unconditional surrender of Hamas and a totally new civilian government in Gaza is the only solution.

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Typical zionist arguement with ZERO substance.

Any sensible human would know GAZA is occupied by Israel; and there are over 800,000 illegal settlers in westbank, palestine.

A reminder that in 1948 Nakba, israel stole the homes and lands of palestinian and set off the blood-bath in the middle east for the next 75 years.

Hamas was found in 1987 after further israel invasion and brutality, was there a solution before 1987?


The core of the problem is the occupation and ethnic cleansing by Israel. the day israel zionist bestards end their colonialism and occupation; the region will be at peace again.


“I stand before you as 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, half of them children, are besieged and bombed, killed and maimed, starved and displaced.”

“As more than 3.5 million Palestinians in West Bank, including East…


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Hamas offered numerous truce to israel, all refused -


Zionist had zero intention for a 2 states solution after refused many UN resolutions calling for the 1967 borders as truce. Netanyahu in January 2024 rejected calls for Palestinian sovereignty following talks with US President Joe Biden about Gaza’s future, suggesting Israel’s security needs would be incompatible with Palestinian statehood. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/21/middleeast/netanyahu-palestinian-sovereignty-two-state-solution-intl/index.html

Jimmy Carter in 2013 confirmed Netanyahu evilish intention:


7:00 palestine population 2 to 1 to jews

most fertile land went to jews

then Plan D to blow up village, plant mines.......to expel Palestinian

10:45 Deir Yassin Massacre April 9, 1948 killed


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Thank you Joseph Goebbels for that wonderful piece of propaganda.

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Last moment of her life of a six years old, killed by israel.

13,5000 more like her.

All her families killed by israel.

Red crescent (red cross) rescue crews sent to save her, all killed as well by israel.

but you still have not a single picture of the 40 beheaded babies, propaganda you said?


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Yes Propaganda Joseph

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Again, and again; no substance of anything; just blind fascist nazisim to support a genocide.

Thousands and thousands of raw image like this on X to prove beyond any reasonable doubt of a murdereous genocide by israel, which you support.


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If Hamas laid down their arms, the conflict would be over. If Israel laid down their arms, they would be annihilated.

Hamas is a bunch of murderers bent on genocide. The Palestinians are complicit in that they aid and abet the Hamas butchers. They knew the tunnels were there. That military targets were being hidden under civilian infrastructure.

What kicked off this latest outbreak? A bunch of murdering cowards invading Israel with atrocities. Raping women. Beheading babies. Cutting pregnant women open and killing the babies. Burning people alive in their homes. Hamas are sub-human butchers, busy, as the Quran instructs, killing infidels.

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The most ignorant would have know that hamas was found in 1987 after israel further invaded and expand their border in 1967, after the 1948 Nakba stealing homes and lands of course.. Hamas has no tanks, no bombing jets, no apache helicopetors.......on one asked israel to lay down their arms, just to lay off on the bombing and killing of innocent people.

The tunnels were dug by israel way back. During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising the jewish resistance also dug lot of tunnesl against the nazi; were they terrorists?

The only murderers and terroists are israel zionist bestard as confrimed by UN, amnesty international and public common sense. 13,500 children been killed by israel in matter of months; still commenting on the beheaded babies propaganda BS? Not a single picture or video as evidence vs the thousands and thousands of raw images on X showing israel carrying out the ethnic cleansing genocide.

Zionist israel has no shame killing people while claiming as victims.

Israel, the murder capital of the world literally outdone the nazi.


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Typical response from a supporter of the murdering raping Hamas.

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Do you zionist genocide supporter ever has any evidence or credible links besides repeating the propaganda lies? How about at least a picture of the 400 beheaded babies you claimed? What, no one carrys a cellphone in israel!?

NYT - no rapes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WMgoEwTbjY

nyt journalist - NO evidence whatsoever - https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1756071577043468557?s=20

A reminder that israel was found by rapists; every accusation is a confession, it is known as the accufestion of zionist bestards...


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I’m curious have you ever fought in a war. Have you ever been shot at by enemy fire?

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My decade of military service is on the public record. Like my father, I don't discuss my military service.

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Obviously, your father spoke about his service. Otherwise there would’ve been no interview.

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