What could the Dems possibly have to fear about a Trump challenge?
Surely Trump running again in 2024 would be a gift to the Dems?
Trump didn't just lose in 2020 - he lost to Joe Biden! That is a total humiliation on a level never witnessed before in politics. Just look at the utter state of Biden - Trump lost to that!
After expending huge (superhuman) levels of effort, energy & resources, along with massive rallies etc - Trump lost to Biden, who never campaigned or answered questions - spending most time in the "basement". Trump is just a loser, Biden didn't need to lower himself to a challenge - the people already knew who they wanted?
Whilst Biden got fewer votes than the unpopular Hillary Clinton in the Democrat stongholds, he still pulled through where it really mattered to secure enough votes in the middle of the night for the marginals - sometimes securing drops of 100% votes for Biden. Like I said, the people already knew who they wanted - months of advance!
Biden is just quite an extraordinary politician - unlike any other before him. In fact, not only did he win more votes than any other President in history, he did it with the fewest no. of counties than any other elected President - what a guy eh?
Knowing what we know now - it is clear for all to see, that it was Biden who towed Obama across the line- TWICE! However, once free from the burden of carrying Obama on his shoulders, he was able to be his own man - gaining 81M votes - but the Democrats are quite modest about this massive achievement - imagine if it had been Trump, he'd have been shouting 81M from the rooftops.
The 2020 election was 110% legit, without any interference or collusion from the FBI or the media!
The Dems would have NOTHING to fear from a Trump re-run - what a gift that would be? How could Trump possibly be a threat?
As a fraud examiner, we can easily fix the election rigging with a few simple internal controls and audits, no problem.
What could the Dems possibly have to fear about a Trump challenge?
Surely Trump running again in 2024 would be a gift to the Dems?
Trump didn't just lose in 2020 - he lost to Joe Biden! That is a total humiliation on a level never witnessed before in politics. Just look at the utter state of Biden - Trump lost to that!
After expending huge (superhuman) levels of effort, energy & resources, along with massive rallies etc - Trump lost to Biden, who never campaigned or answered questions - spending most time in the "basement". Trump is just a loser, Biden didn't need to lower himself to a challenge - the people already knew who they wanted?
Whilst Biden got fewer votes than the unpopular Hillary Clinton in the Democrat stongholds, he still pulled through where it really mattered to secure enough votes in the middle of the night for the marginals - sometimes securing drops of 100% votes for Biden. Like I said, the people already knew who they wanted - months of advance!
Biden is just quite an extraordinary politician - unlike any other before him. In fact, not only did he win more votes than any other President in history, he did it with the fewest no. of counties than any other elected President - what a guy eh?
Knowing what we know now - it is clear for all to see, that it was Biden who towed Obama across the line- TWICE! However, once free from the burden of carrying Obama on his shoulders, he was able to be his own man - gaining 81M votes - but the Democrats are quite modest about this massive achievement - imagine if it had been Trump, he'd have been shouting 81M from the rooftops.
The 2020 election was 110% legit, without any interference or collusion from the FBI or the media!
The Dems would have NOTHING to fear from a Trump re-run - what a gift that would be? How could Trump possibly be a threat?
A long history of exceptionalism - a politician the public place their trust in, if only there were more like this........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCJMF7mflGE
Biden/Dark Brandon seems to be preparing the country for an imminent indictment of Trump.
Unless, Trump pre-empts and announces his is running again beforehand.
Of course, Trump could also declare he is NOT running - but that is looking increasingly unlikely.
However, do not underestimate the extremes they will go to prevent a re-run.