It does not matter how you cut it or even the historical record. The problem is at the end of the day they both want the same thing - the land.

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My bias as a Christian is I don’t buy the “ religions cause all wars” nonsense . Religion is simply a part of culture. We don’t say all cultures cause wars so let’s get rid of cultures .

Some cultures succeed and demographic expansion cause the need for land expansion ... ergo we get war over land acquisition

It’s like saying nationalism causes wars , so let’s just get rid of nations. That’s what our moron PM brags about ... “ Canada is the first post nation country “ ... how’s that working for you ?


The commie Beatles song ... “ imagine “ there’s no countries


gotta watch out for those Presbyterians eh?

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I don't say "get rid of religions" which have played a key role in creating a stable society for generations, as has culture. But religious differences have caused or contributed to many wars - the middle ages saw the Crusades, the Syrian and Myannmar conflicts were exacerbated by religious differences, and the Arab-Israeli war has religious roots. The ongoing Sunni- Shia Alawite rivalry is behind much of the violence in Arab nations.

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Naw...it's the Baptists. 😉

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My view-on one side we have one of the best trained and equipped military forces in the world. They have exhibited discipline in past conflicts endeavoring to avoid civilian casualties. On the other we have a rag-tag band of religious fanatics with no such record of seeking to avoid civilian deaths. The opposite can be argued from recent events. The disparity in casualties is the result of the ineptitude of Hamas/PLO in executing warfare, the greater capacity of the Israeli Defense forces to inflict warfare, and of course the propensity of Hamas to shelter in place in the general population. The term Human Sheild has meaning here. It ain't hard to come to the conclusion that the incident at the hospital was friendly fire at best. And, at worst a deliberate action by Hamas to rally global jihad against Israel. It worked in either case.

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Well said. I think both sides are rife with religious fanaticism, historically the cause of more bloodshed than perhaps any other motive - the Crusades, the Holy Wars, the Holy Roman Empire, etc.

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Michael thank you for the opportunity to experiment with some dialogue on this topic.

My pal Professor Salim Mansur, tongue-in-cheek, accuses us Presbyterians of being the problem of Canadian assimilation not working as well as it used to primarily because the Presbyterians don’t assert themselves . Thus new immigrants have nothing to assimilate into.

Political Islam is not a religion. It is a political ideology.

The advantage of Christianity, when properly practised, is that it separates church and state (render onto Caesar that which is Ceasar’s and onto God that which is God‘s )

I “believe” most people are going to pick a religion; be it the climatistas or some other ridiculous ideology which is politically driven. Therefore I have chosen a religion that is tolerant of other religions and tries to keep church and state apart.

In short , we have a culture . Stand up for it , while being tolerant of others . All cultures aren’t equal. Some should just die out . Don’t prop them up and don’t let your own beliefs be trampled upon.

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As long as Hama runs the show in Gaza nothing will improve. The Arab nations in the region could easily organize a "peace keeping" force within Gaza to eliminate them. I'm sure there are negotiations to this effect going on with the US being at the forefront trying to get Israel to agree and Saudi to participate. Whoever was responsible for the hospital explosion doesn't matter. There'll be more and more lives lost on both sides until the other Arab nations agree to "help" Israel eliminate terrorist threats within the region. The Iranians would be further isolated if they did and that is in the entire regions best interests. On a side note, Canada under Pearson would have been at the forefront of this idea. We've fallen so far. Sad.

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Oct 20, 2023
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You might examine yours as well. My bias is simple - deal with facts, not rhetoric, and assess the facts objectively. The hospital tragedy is a distraction from the history of perpetual violence on both sides of an ideological dispute with its roots in opposing religious convictions.

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Oct 20, 2023
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Israel does have a religious conviction that it is entitled to the "promised land" and takes that land by force from people who also believe it is their land. Hamas is a terrorist organization and correctly vilified. The over 100,000 Palestinians injured by Israel referred to in the article are mostly non-Hamas.

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Oct 20, 2023
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Why should they accept a partition of the land on which they have lived for centuries? The U.N. can't arbitrarily create nations, its is lefist and useless body that advances nothing but the climate charade. Palestine existed long before Israel was created, named "Palestine" from the same root as "Philistine" to annoy the Jewish minority also living in the region. It existed for many years as part of the Ottoman Empire.

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