My God I love seeing these anti-woke messages in print. I hope these messgaes of yours (in this case the truthful rebuttal to the stupid slave-trade-reparation narrative, but there are so many of them nowadays) reach far and wide!

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Feb 23Edited

Irish are the most vocal group in the western nation condemning Israel's genocide becasue they have a deep understanding of slavery and apartheid under the British.

The British literally have blood on their hands in every major sufferings in recent human history.

The East Indian Trading company slave trade in India for over 2 centurris, the opium trade invasion into China, the arbritrary borders mandates like in Palestine with the disastrous Balfour Declaration.....

Irish mp on double standard on israel vs palestine


Irish MP Richard Boyd Barrett TD slams Israeli ambassador for racist apartheid policy in 2014


Israel Is An ‘Apartheid And Colonial’ Regime


Ireland, “By far the most anti-Israeli country in Europe” says The Jerusalem Post

Yes, and proud of it!!!


"Its horrendous to watch every day the slaughter of the Palestinian people.. it is horrific to watch"

Michelle O’Neill, First Minister of Northern Ireland #trevorphillips


THOUSANDS march streets of Dublin in solidarity with Palestine


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