Saying the Globe and Mail is a quality newspaper but still has "hints of Liberal bias" is like suggesting Lizzo isn't fat, just big-boned. The National Post is the only Canadian rag still worth reading.

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Yes, I know many American's whose entire source for news is the NY Times and MSNBC. Unfortunately many Canadians depend on the CBC for their news source. All I can say is the propaganda, cherry picking, misinformation and outright lies are very effective. Many "journalists" in the US are actually employed/sponsored by the CIA, FBI or other Govt agencies, which should be no surprise.

Obama made major changes to the Smith–Mundt Act which opened the floodgates for propaganda on US citizens. These were some of the "changes" we were "hoping" he wouldn't do. Slogans like hope and change are slogans, a change can be very bad.. EG food prices keep changing :(

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And MPs and Senators are too naïve to understand that?

Or, given that they are likely as intelligent as an average person.... it suits them just fine?

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Because you are acquainted with so many business people and politicians, and support Freedom, I wonder if you know Senator Colin Deacon (1 of many in the Govt. who doesn't seem concerned about Freedom).

This Trudeau-appointed "independent" Senator advocates a Digital ID for all Canadians. He says he is a big supporter of the idea so Canadians can get Govt. services as efficiently as they do in The Ukraine; that paragon of democracy known for Coups, cancelation of elections, banning of political parties, outlawing free speech, involuntary servitude etc..

The Senator suggests that Canadians are like immature children when he tells people who oppose mandatory digital IDs that his daughter, who rejected eating ice cream, loved it once she tried it.

He's sure we'll love it, not afraid that once we get it, we will not be able to opt out of the Max-Surveillance State.

Coincidentally the digital ID.... works very well with the new Bank of Canada Digital Currency.

The Bank of Canada is "preparing" for "when" the Parliament approved a Digital Currency, so that they will be able to implement it quickly. Yes, probably much faster than you can apply for and get a Canadian Passport!

Anyone who pays attention to Government knows that once a DC comes into effect, it will be a matter of time until cash is likely to cease being legal tender. As we know, the Govt. has eliminated the $500 and $1000 bills, supposedly because they were being used "mostly" for money laundering (doubtful they could prove that), so that the $100 bill is the largest available.

Canadian inflation and Federal deficit spending doesn't let $100 doesn't buy very much anymore. For example, I needed a $50 part for my propane stove and my Propane supplier said that they'd be happy to install it for $425+HST. A $500 bill would have come in handy, but the Govt. doesn't want the propane company to pocket the $500 and not declare it.

But the $1 and $2 were also eliminated, so it is obvious the elimination of all circulating currency and replacing it with Digital Currencies is a way to ensure all Taxes are paid. It is also a way to monitor what is bought and by whom...and to intervene to control all use of digital money. The Govt. freezing of bank accounts during the Pandemic "Trucker" strike illustrated this is not just a conspiracy theory.

A digital ID and currency would allow the Govt. to deposit, or withdraw money, levy taxes on transactions, or balances, or restrict what you can buy or freeze your account.

So why are people who don't value Freedom (i.e. those who seek to control media, the free expression of views on social media and better ways for Big Brother to watch and control Canadians) elected to Parliament and appointed to Senate?

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A digital ID or a digital currency are dangerous tools a government can use to oppress its people. Combine digital IDs, digital currency and take away guns and you can turn Canada into China in one generation.

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