I look at global inventories and get my data from Perplexity.com, a very effective AI engine that is far superior to ChatGPT and Google's.
The oil in storage is the smaller issue, the larger one being the 5.86 million barrels a day of output being held off the market by a loosely organized group (OPEC) which may not hold together if prices come under pressure and weaker members decide to ship more.
Michael, would you like to add to the list of CA oil (possibly nat gas too?) companies you see at greatest risk? MEG, BTE, TVE...
I saw data from Eric Nutall where oil in storage is aproaching lows not seen in years. What data do you look at?
I look at global inventories and get my data from Perplexity.com, a very effective AI engine that is far superior to ChatGPT and Google's.
The oil in storage is the smaller issue, the larger one being the 5.86 million barrels a day of output being held off the market by a loosely organized group (OPEC) which may not hold together if prices come under pressure and weaker members decide to ship more.