Biden's crime family with Ukraine probably go all the way back to 2004 during cia orange revolution. But hunter biden got involved in 2014 before the Maidan Revolution.
Remember career politician like Biden got rich being a politician while Trump got poorer by being a politician. But Canadian hated Trump, how naive and shameful.
Those “sanctions” remind me sanctions against Mussolini’s Italia after it invaded Abyssinia - sanctions had so many exceptions and excuses that basically did nothing to Italian military potential. The only serious restriction were about Aluminium exports to Italia - but irony was in fact that Italia had a surplus in Aluminium production so those “tough sanctions” had zero effect.
Also western politicians infamously desired “to not punish Italia too hard to prevent it joining Hitler as a response to biting sanctions”. Guess what happened next?
Biden's crime family with Ukraine probably go all the way back to 2004 during cia orange revolution. But hunter biden got involved in 2014 before the Maidan Revolution.
Remember career politician like Biden got rich being a politician while Trump got poorer by being a politician. But Canadian hated Trump, how naive and shameful.
Those “sanctions” remind me sanctions against Mussolini’s Italia after it invaded Abyssinia - sanctions had so many exceptions and excuses that basically did nothing to Italian military potential. The only serious restriction were about Aluminium exports to Italia - but irony was in fact that Italia had a surplus in Aluminium production so those “tough sanctions” had zero effect.
Also western politicians infamously desired “to not punish Italia too hard to prevent it joining Hitler as a response to biting sanctions”. Guess what happened next?
Dictatorships never change.