Fwiw I would definitely add Covid shots to the list, you must believe that to save civilization you needed the new shot. vitamin D and other proven aids were not mentioned and many made illegal. Believe it was safe and effective when it was obviously not and virtually zero reason for anyone under 40 to even consider it. The only positive outcome I could see was at least 150 new billionaires created in Phama, likely 10’s of thousands of millionaires and a chance to see how well control of the people could be done.
Those views are 1000 years old. Jews are not demanding other religions adhere to their faith. Nor are Christians. My church helped raise $55,000 to bring Afghanistan Muslims here who had been translators for our troops. We didn’t demand they convert to Christianity.
Tolerance is the cornerstone of reformed Judeo- Christianity. It stems from : “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars and onto God that which is God’s “.
In other words, separate church and state , what Jesus preached.
But what has happened is that in our secular extremist society people don’t have a religion that advocates the separation of church and state. They have now adopted a
new religion which is climate change, which is in fact of merger of church and state, stealing our money to change the temperature of the climate, while China opens up a new coal fired every week .
Bottom line :
choose your religions carefully. But the fact is most people choose a religion of one kind or another.
Oh … and most thing is based on faith … when brokers tell us to buy a stock … it’s a leap of faith
I would agree people need something to believe it and GW provides that and a good reason to redirect billions of $ to friends and family with few questions. Anyone who questions it can be called a denier, heretic or worst. Of course follow the narrative or your funding is cut off, lose your job or get deplatformed
I noticed all the Pakistan and Afghan Christians brought to Canada in the 70’s because they were persecuted in their home country. Why you want to bring people in who will demand or force others to convert to their religion I have often wondered.
I would say most people are introduced to a religion as a child and usually stick to it or become more agnostic..
Some religions are more similar to gangs and believe in converting, enslaving or killing non believers. Fwiw Islam was pushed back from France and out of most of Spain, but wasn’t referred to as a crusade. The push south in Africa has been going on for a long time, I first became aware of it when Talisman was forced to leave Sudan. A gang usually is fine with any what might be called illegal behaviour as long as it’s not against its members, eg Mafia and street gangs. Most religions are quite peaceful, at least in modern times.
It is clear that Michael Blair is not George Washington. Washington understood the benefits of religion and the need for religious tolerance in society.
Fwiw I would definitely add Covid shots to the list, you must believe that to save civilization you needed the new shot. vitamin D and other proven aids were not mentioned and many made illegal. Believe it was safe and effective when it was obviously not and virtually zero reason for anyone under 40 to even consider it. The only positive outcome I could see was at least 150 new billionaires created in Phama, likely 10’s of thousands of millionaires and a chance to see how well control of the people could be done.
Those views are 1000 years old. Jews are not demanding other religions adhere to their faith. Nor are Christians. My church helped raise $55,000 to bring Afghanistan Muslims here who had been translators for our troops. We didn’t demand they convert to Christianity.
Tolerance is the cornerstone of reformed Judeo- Christianity. It stems from : “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars and onto God that which is God’s “.
In other words, separate church and state , what Jesus preached.
But what has happened is that in our secular extremist society people don’t have a religion that advocates the separation of church and state. They have now adopted a
new religion which is climate change, which is in fact of merger of church and state, stealing our money to change the temperature of the climate, while China opens up a new coal fired every week .
Bottom line :
choose your religions carefully. But the fact is most people choose a religion of one kind or another.
Oh … and most thing is based on faith … when brokers tell us to buy a stock … it’s a leap of faith
I would agree people need something to believe it and GW provides that and a good reason to redirect billions of $ to friends and family with few questions. Anyone who questions it can be called a denier, heretic or worst. Of course follow the narrative or your funding is cut off, lose your job or get deplatformed
I noticed all the Pakistan and Afghan Christians brought to Canada in the 70’s because they were persecuted in their home country. Why you want to bring people in who will demand or force others to convert to their religion I have often wondered.
I would say most people are introduced to a religion as a child and usually stick to it or become more agnostic..
A Vietnam vet once told me that there weren’t any atheists in the foxhole.
Some religions are more similar to gangs and believe in converting, enslaving or killing non believers. Fwiw Islam was pushed back from France and out of most of Spain, but wasn’t referred to as a crusade. The push south in Africa has been going on for a long time, I first became aware of it when Talisman was forced to leave Sudan. A gang usually is fine with any what might be called illegal behaviour as long as it’s not against its members, eg Mafia and street gangs. Most religions are quite peaceful, at least in modern times.
It is clear that Michael Blair is not George Washington. Washington understood the benefits of religion and the need for religious tolerance in society.