Insightful article in the sea of negativity about oil stocks. Patience will be rewarded No wonder Buffet is buying more energy stocks.

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Hard to navigate this sea of uncertainty and irrationality as you pointed out. Sound investing require sound facts. Keeps one’s emotions in check. Hold for me.

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Michael, another thoughtful piece providing your real world view from years of experience. Please know your articles and insights are of great value. Having missed the 2021 bull run in energy stocks, I will now look at gradually starting positions in the companies you have mentioned.

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Once again, Michael, you demonstrate the cultural rationale for ensuring that 'elder voices' are heard around the fire.

Anyone who would dismiss experience and perspective with "Okay, Boomer," should be asked to finish the sentence. Often as not, I think the flippant address might be followed by a rightfully sheepish "what should we do?"

In addressing problems, scope and scale of thought are invaluable; like most intellectual assets, they are hard to develop, but easy to share, given willing parties.

That's not to say seniority implies authority and deserves fealty; that would abdicate the successor generation's responsibility to examine and challenge conventional wisdom. Respect means being receptive _and_ taking to task.

The rich etymology is no coincidence: L. gens, 'people tribe', gignere, 'procreate, bring forth; hence, generate, genius, generous, generation, genuine, gentleman.

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