Trudeua testified he was under heavy economic influence from the America aka Biden; while canadian still bashing Trump.

Trudeau also did not mention once the swastika nazi flag symbol which he often quoted at the house of common given the fact it is now known the nazi flag was most likely a liberal plant.

Eva of the Convoy lawyer asked it well; when did you become so afraid of your own citizens.

Througout history only dictators are afraid of its own citizens.

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Agree. The lockdowns were not the approach recommended by WHO prior to this pandemic, so this was imprisonment for some. The protest brought additional awareness to this issue - kudo's!

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While I disagreed with the government on the particular policy, overall they handled Covid as well as any government. And while I had sympathy for the protesters, they took it way too far basically shutting down Ottawa for weeks impacting the rights of many other people and then closing the borders with they US which would cause both immediate and long term damage to the Canadian economy. Not to mention making Canada look like a laughing stock. And you don’t back down to the extremists as it will only encourage them. And of course the restrictions were going to be ended in the near future. The protesters had made they point and should have gone home.

And yes we still have a democracy and most Canadians agreed that it was time to bring an end to the chaos. This could have been handled much quicker in China, Russia and other authoritarian governments. They would simply have shot many protesters and imprisoned the rest. Time to get a little perspective.

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This could have been handled by admitting the vaccine mandates went too far, repealing them, and telling Canada they were a mistake. Protesters are not "extremists" and our Constitution permits protests for a good reason - there is no other way between elections to compel governments to address policy issues. Regardless of what you believe about the Ottawa protests, they don't rise to a level warranting War Measures. Invoking the Emergency Act was a dangerous precedent which if upheld by the Rouleau Commission risks another government using the Act to limit freedoms with little justification.

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In terms of enforcing restrictions for unvaccinated they were were made early on with the Americans and implementation delayed. Circumstances had changed and they were too slow to respond. Mistakes were made. But at the time of the occupation of Ottawa and border blockades they needed to deal with the situation as it was. We were in unchartered waters. Lots of people made mistakes and in particular the police failed miserably.

Of course protesters have the right to protest and most were not extremists. But some were like the armed ones on the Coutts border blockade who were planning to shot the police.

In terms of the using the emergency measures act the police had failed to deal with Ottawa or the borders and time had run out. They removed the blockades and rescinded the application of the law on a timely basis.

We need better government but options are limited. I don’t support Trudeau for fiscal irresponsibility etc but agree with the need to act. If only the Conservatives had brought back Harper and a twin for Flaherty instead of leaders who lose elections that they should have won.

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Bravo Zulu

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So the EA was invoked b/c JT (& his cabinet) had an anxiety attack. There is no leadership in Canada.

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