wish this arrived a day earlier -- up almost 10% today! : >

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timing is hard. I’m negative 16% so far.

The hardest thing about valuations is oil price - really hard to predict but it trumps all the rest of factors. If Michael is right about CAD100 (I wish he is) then decent returns are still ahead, if not... well, I wish I’ve heard about log normal price distribution earlier. Sweet spot of buying O&G was when oil was in 40s or 50s maximum - it was kind of sure bet. Now it can go both ways.

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Merry Christmas to you Michael & Happy 😊 2023! Thank you so much for all your valuable articles you have written this year! Very much appreciated....🤗

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Likewise Merry Christmas to you, Michael, and thanks a lot for the many insights you shared in 2022.

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