Frankly Ive been saying, Germany will blow up for at least 10 years, turning off their nukes, including 3 modern ones in March 2023 was the icing on the cake. It literally blew my mind how stupid they are...

Its not the Germany I knew..

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Wondering if all the hypes in China's electrification will face the same fate; most of the grid there is still supplied with coal power, but subsidy for EV ended this year.


"That puts China's lowest household power prices at about a third of average household electricity prices in Japan of 24.76 yen ($0.2241) per kWh in 2020, and just under 40% of prices in Australia at A$0.265 ($0.1987) per kWh."

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I wonder about that too, however there are some very remote areas in China, but the sun does shine, the intermittent solar electricity is great for charging cell phones and cars. A place so backward that was burning dung to survive all of a sudden has the internet through cell phones charged by sun and a car. Presumably a pad will also allow some internet tv. One giant step forward... All it takes is 1 cell site and you might cover 40 or 50 square miles...

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