2022 model is at annual rate on a debt free basis for comparison. It is not intended to reflect actual or projected results for the 2022 year as I set out in the article. 2023 reflects a projected 33% drop in commodity prices to show effect, and you are correct, cash flow may fall short of the dividend. You can use the model and your own commodity assumptions. The $6 million shortfall shows how resilient GXE is even with a sharp drop in prices and is immaterial to the company's long term success. Like all energy companies, actual outcomes are driven by commodity prices and not by analysts models.
You show the same divy amount in 22 and 23 yet 22 will only have 7 months of divy at the .01 per month
23 shows insufficient cash flow to cover the divy. Concerning to me
2022 model is at annual rate on a debt free basis for comparison. It is not intended to reflect actual or projected results for the 2022 year as I set out in the article. 2023 reflects a projected 33% drop in commodity prices to show effect, and you are correct, cash flow may fall short of the dividend. You can use the model and your own commodity assumptions. The $6 million shortfall shows how resilient GXE is even with a sharp drop in prices and is immaterial to the company's long term success. Like all energy companies, actual outcomes are driven by commodity prices and not by analysts models.
Couldnt agree more Michael re. GXE. Ingram is a savy leader as well. Another small cap with even stronger tailwinds is ITE.TO - worth a look
Thanks Michael! Could you explain how you arrived at the debt figures for 2023?