You can’t believe most of the news today, why do you think the news from years ago is any better. I was pleasantly surprised that Julian Assage (sp) was realized, basically in jail for 10+ years, he was reporting inconvenient facts, never charged, but we know the CIA was planning to kill him. I don’t know why he was allowed out of jail, never charged but held for over 5 years in a UK jail. Likely something to do with the us election. Would be nice to let Snowden go home, his big mistake, proving that Obama was lying to Americans. Of course Obama changed the propaganda laws that it was ok to use propaganda on the us people so of course he was lying, he opened his mouth, but it was legal, Obama preferred it wasn’t pointed out.

This was the act changed to allow propaganda on the American people


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To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of your ancestors by the record of history?

Cicero 46 BC

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Even today politicians say many things, perhaps over a few years many narrative can be made. I was shocked when I found out the movie Gone with the wind was made closer in time to the civil war than today. One thing I agree is that few Canadians know much about Canada as we are bombarded by the US. Living in Montreal from 2005-2012 showed me most there knew nothing outside the Quebec border except, France, Florida and Cape Cod. Of course transfer payments and other program advantages allow a high % to spend winters in Florida giving them a chance to learn.

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Lincoln statement shouldn’t be a surprise, why would he say anything else? The goal was to preserve the union, but the big break came mainly because of slavery in the South.

Slavery is still going on today, the countries still doing it are the ones that would castrate the men slaves in the past

We can also look back 60+ years ago when being gay was frowned on quite vocally, to imply something of someone back then because of comments not really taken in context leaves a bad impression imo.

When I went to school the strap was used, I didn’t think of it as a bad thing then, and I would have said that.

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Great piece today, Mr. Blair. Over time I've come to better appreciate the role of slavery abolition relative to goal of union preservation in the CV, but I did not know about the Canadian nuances. Thank you for this.

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Never let the truth ruin a good story. History is rarely honestly taught.

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As we see today the same event is reported in at least 2 versions, add in cherry picking, out of context, misinformation, under reporting, outright lying basically reporting what is wanted. Propaganda works extremely well

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