Nice piece @Michael Blair. I've written similar stuff, not nearly as eloquent as yours. Everyone clucks their tongue and agrees that the situation is untenable. Then we go an elect more nutters as if no one had ever tried to educate people as to what is happening. It makes you think as a species we've entered irreversible decline. The signs are everywhere really- educational system turning out illiterates, nuclear family under attack, societal self hatred, lack of love for home and country, normalizing abnormalcy, and finally making children available to perverts and gender dysphorics. I begin to doubt our survival as a species and put on the table, are we worthy of survival?

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Completely agree - as we have become a more secular nation, we have replaced church with climate change, BLM and Ukrainian flags in order to give meaning to our lives now devoid of the humility that comes with faith. However, as much as I wrestle with the same intellectual debates over the origin and meaning of life, I despise those to condescend to people of faith. I think of my Dad - Phi Beta Kappa, Baker Scholar and brilliant financial mind endowed with copious grey matter rationality - who never wavered in his belief that living by a moral code would offer a reward beyond this life. Perhaps it was the ultimate life hedge but so what if it was? He lived with compassion and decency and loved his stepchildren as much as his own. The idea that we need to drive out of the public arena that which shaped generations of God fearing, civic minded people is madness but explains our present circumstances perfectly.

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Arouet pls not de Cloet

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Can organized religion do the job of keeping us “unredeemable Deplorables “ in line ?

Not when it’s been bastardized and the advice of Christ not followed , ie to separate Church and State .

And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

The vacuum the secular extremists have left us in is that the new religions Michael refers to , such as the Church of Climate Change, have in fact merged Church and State and their High Priests expect us to pay CO2 indulgences to get into Liberal heaven with their Saints like the Butt boy

Our institutions need constant reform , even a revolution from time to time

Like religion , capitalism has its flaws

But just because crony capitalism doesn’t work doesn’t mean capitalism can’t work

Meanwhile let’s not follow the advice of our High Priestess heading up Finance …


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People need to know this

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