Personally I see lots of chargers around and they are usually empty, I dont think we will see too much extra demand unfilled for the following reasons.

1. EV's are usually second cars and dont get much use

2. When charging is controlled(and it will be) it can be done overnight or during the day when that pesky solar power is given away or worst someone is paid to take it.

With Ford etc losing billions on EV;s I cant see prices dropping anytime soon...

The big advantage I can see of an EV still is great parking, usually free, at my gym that's the spot that's usually empty :)

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Right on. Climate Change is a secular religion . It’s not going away .

Was just in England and the Motorways are nicely stocked up with Tesla charging stations .

In Copenhagen it’s amazing how many Teslas on the road

EVs are here to stay and Tesla is dominating.

We can easily solve the electric grid problem ( with $ and planing) with nuclear and gas . Locally a pump storage project is going in to even out peaks and valleys of power generation.

Will EV power demand drive up our costs relative to China that opens 200 coal fired low cost delivery utilities a year and creates a lot of carbon ?

Sure . But we will go to secular heaven and they won’t .

BTW … the air around Collingwood from forest fires 500 miles away has been awful and I’m guessing will add more CO2 than has been saved by a decade of billion dollar Wynnemill projects . But that’s the indulgence price to our High Priests to get into heaven .

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I dont know about the Climate High Priests getting into heaven but with the billions of $'s thrown around they are certainly getting into the $200K a year country clubs and 7500 sq foot second homes :( Follow the money often says it all. Forest fires, volcano eruptions and even the food industry produces lots and lots of CO2, makes plants grown faster as every green house operator knows, but with many more billions on the earth it should make it easier to feed everyone. The only climate refugges I see are Canadians going to Florida. I always get a kick talking to Americans who might live in Pittsburg looking to move south to get away from their horrible winter:) Truth is, It is horrible, but about 1 month shorter than here :)

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