Democrats run for cover as Trump survives assassination attempt
Biden can't escape responsibility for the attack, try as he might
In recent discussions with Democrat donors, Joe Biden told supporters he thought someone should put “Trump in the bullseye”. There is no mistaking what he meant, no way to pretend it means other than a call to take a shot at Trump. You can gloss it over anyway you want, Biden called on radical Democrats to take a shot at Trump.
Now someone has. And like most Democrats, his shot at Trump went wide of the mark and led to his own demise.
The image of a defiant Donald Trump standing bold with blood on his face but his fist raised will become an icon in American history. You can detest Trump for his controversial personality, his odd sense of humour, and his bombastic rhetoric but you can’t accuse him of cowardice or a lack of strength of character. He is the kind of person people rally behind in times of crisis - strong, determined, unafraid.
I have many Canadian friends who absolutely hate Trump, direct some of that hatred towards Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, and who post vile and libelous statements about both leaders, or anyone who thinks free market capitalism personal freedom, fiscal responsibility or a dedication to the laws of physics (which compel a conclusion that the leftist “climate change” narrative is pure politics) are a “threat to democracy” when the real threat to democracy is socialism, censorship, big government and over-regulation of industry.
Josef Goebbels famously used propaganda to promote the Nazi regime, quipping that what was effective was to accuse your adversaries of precisely what your side is doing. That characterizes the left wing of North American politics today. It is a sad story. We now have a corrupt Biden family with its leader in the Oval Office, a corrupt Justin Trudeau leading Canada, and half of the citizens of United States and Canada supporting their march to authoritarian socialist government. I sat in history classes with lifelong friends where we discussed the rise of communism, the devastating outcomes that ideology caused for millions of people in Eastern Europe, and the risks of a belief that everyone in society was born entitled to an equal share of the economic pie regardless of their personal contributions to society or the degree of education or effort they made to advance thier own interests.
But that is where Liberal Canada and Democrat United States have evolved to today. Slogans like “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion” are used to justify outright prejudices against identity groups antithetical to Liberals - merit has all but escaped from decisions on admission to university, advancement at work, or a role in a Liberal or Democrat cabinet or administration. People advance because they are LGBTQ++, colored, or transexual regardless of knowledge or competence. It is little wonder our governments are ineffective when they are staffed with people that have a weak foundation in mathematics, physics, economics or finance.
But they get their “pronouns” right.
Free market democracies promise equality of opportunity and, with many exceptions and imperfections, tends to provide as much. But for leftist North Americans, equal opportunity is not enough - they say they want equal outcomes. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to win a football game, a tennis match or a foot race? Anyone who doesn’t think they merit higher pay? Anyone who doesn’t want to get higher grades in school? Those are inequal goals and correlate with inequal outcomes. No one really wants “equality” - it is a utopian ideal promoted as part of an ideology and exists nowhere on Earth.
The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is stark evidence of the sad state of politics today, and is unlikely to be the sole attack on a political leader during the presidential election underway in United States or the forthcoming Canadian election set for next year. Common sense, respect for opposing views, and respect for our institutions has been replaced by institutional hatred fueled by leaders who prefer to criticize their opponents than present policy goals they wish to enact. Just read a few posts on X by Ontario Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie and see if you can find any that don’t just pillory Doug Ford. I will wait.
We are in a bad place in our democracies and new leadership is needed to right the ship. Trump is the best bet in America and Poilievre in Canada. If you can’t see this, you need help.
Good post, Michael. How alone Javier Milei down in Argentina must feel. How ironic that Argentina is at the forefront of promoting capitalism, ahead of the U.S. and Canada in the WH. That takes a bit processing actually.
Excellent post. A sad event for America and an excellent analysis of the current state of North American politics and society.