Xi once he was "elected" for life he could open up, he couldnt afford to look weaker than covid. He can now concentrate on goals in his lifetime. 1. Taiwan within 15 years using force if necessary 2. Restoring respect to China
Likely means a strong world currency and military.. 1st step already underway with "some" oil be traded in Yuan and a strong relationship with Russia, Saudi A, and a few other countries eg Iran, Brazil, India making major progress. IMO Covid will be a non event in China, especially compared to the lockdowns in 30 days...People are just happy to eat and get out of their "cells"...
with a population of 1.4 billion people, the normal death rate is about 7.18 deaths per thousand people in China, or about 10 million deaths a year.
With a larger than normal older population due to the 1 child program they might have more than normal deaths. 7.18 deaths per thousand cant be right, if you divide 1.4B by 80(years) normal deaths assuming on average people live to 80 is 17.5 million dead a year. If you divide 1.4b/10k= 140 years old...its only the last 10 years or so the 1 child policy was removed and from what I hear the pop growth is still relatively low...
Thanks for the link, of course 10 deaths per thousand would at some point mean people dying at an average age of 100. 7.18 means over 139 years old at some point... The number just doesnt seem right with the 1 child policy and a relatively old age, countries in Africa and Cambodia etc have much younger populations, when Mao did his purges it was further back.. Maybe rural population deaths are under reported... Statista is reliable so without any other evidence I have to accept it..
Xi once he was "elected" for life he could open up, he couldnt afford to look weaker than covid. He can now concentrate on goals in his lifetime. 1. Taiwan within 15 years using force if necessary 2. Restoring respect to China
Likely means a strong world currency and military.. 1st step already underway with "some" oil be traded in Yuan and a strong relationship with Russia, Saudi A, and a few other countries eg Iran, Brazil, India making major progress. IMO Covid will be a non event in China, especially compared to the lockdowns in 30 days...People are just happy to eat and get out of their "cells"...
with a population of 1.4 billion people, the normal death rate is about 7.18 deaths per thousand people in China, or about 10 million deaths a year.
With a larger than normal older population due to the 1 child program they might have more than normal deaths. 7.18 deaths per thousand cant be right, if you divide 1.4B by 80(years) normal deaths assuming on average people live to 80 is 17.5 million dead a year. If you divide 1.4b/10k= 140 years old...its only the last 10 years or so the 1 child policy was removed and from what I hear the pop growth is still relatively low...
Makes more sense to check the actual statistics. Death rate is 7.18 per thousand, but increasing. Here is a link to the data. https://www.statista.com/statistics/270165/death-rate-in-china/
Thanks for the link, of course 10 deaths per thousand would at some point mean people dying at an average age of 100. 7.18 means over 139 years old at some point... The number just doesnt seem right with the 1 child policy and a relatively old age, countries in Africa and Cambodia etc have much younger populations, when Mao did his purges it was further back.. Maybe rural population deaths are under reported... Statista is reliable so without any other evidence I have to accept it..