Canadian Liberals ignore facts, promote leftist ideology
Are Canadian Liberals asleep or just deluded?
Justin Trudeau took office in 2015. Since that time, violent crime in Canada has gone straight up, reversing a decade of crime reduction under a Conservative government. Liberals won’t admit policy is the cause, but keep arguing that the upsurge in violence is not their fault and the perpetrators of crimes are in fact the victims - of bias, homophobia, racism, or the rhetoric of the day.
Since Trudeau came to power, real per capita GDP in Canada has lagged most of Canada's trading partners by a wide margin. Liberals ignore this reality and claim re-electing Trudeau in 2025 will see resumed prosperity.
Since Trudeau became Prime Minister, average rents in Canada have done nothing but climb. Liberals claim re-electing Trudeau (who has been in power for 9 years) will manifest itself in more affordable rents.
Trudeau’s government has seen home affordability worsen steadily. Liberals say Trudeau will fix this if re-elected.
Since Trudeau came to office, the cost of living has increased steadily with many Canadians struggling to make ends meet. Liberals say Trudeau can reign in inflation if only he is re-elected to another term in 2025.
Isn’t it time for Canadians to stop buying the bullshit that comes out of Ottawa, face reality, and elect a government that actually acts in the interests of Canadian families?
Unfortunately too many Canadians are ignoring facts too..
Same thing in the States. The apathy is incredible.