Woke ideology will cost Biden the election
Even Bill Maher sees the risk of a Trump victory
The left wing of American politics is infected with the “woke” virus that foments divisions among citizens based on race, sexual orientation, religion, views on abortion, views on climate change, gender fluidity, and what the Democrats call “threats to democracy”. The only threat to democracy is the suppression of free speech coupled with excess government intervention in the economy and in actions directed at stifling individual freedoms. Comedian Bill Maher has mocked the “woke” revolution more than once on his Friday night “Real Time” program. Maher is right to mock “wokeness” which is a toxic ideology of the far left, making Liberal Maher redefine “liberal” to get it away from “wokeness”.
No one should be surprised that “woke” district attorneys, funded by socialist George Soros, are light on crime and revel in their obsession to use “lawfare” to attack not only Donald Trump but any voice that opposes the march to an autocratic socialist state. The overt and arguably illegal acts taken by the Biden administration include:
Failure to enforce laws intended to control immigration and ensure border security
Direct involvement with social media companies like Twitter (now X), Facebook, Google, Instagram and YouTube to suppress conservative voices and promote specious claims that lockdowns, masks, and mRNA vaccines would protect Americans from COVID-19 while downplaying natural immunity and the anti-viral properties of hydroxychoroquine or ivermectin.
Use of the FBI, CIA and DOJ to attack political rivals
Suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop disclosures pointing to corruption of the Biden family which mysteriously enriched themselves through payments from foreign adversaries
Promotion of transgender “health care”, a euphemism for mutilation of school age children
Encouraging the January 6 protests while ensuring Washington capital police were incapable of maintaining order and failing to call in the national guard when the protests bordered on riots
Prosecuting peaceful January 6 protesters and sending many to prison for “crimes” that were little more than misdemeanours
But it isn’t working the way Democrats hoped. Voters are rallying behind Donald Trump and RFKJr as they flee the Democratic Party. Americans are waking up to the reality that the “climate change” alarm is aphysical nonsense, that massive government debts and persistent deficits threaten the economic security of future generations, and the inflation caused by Biden’s economic and fiscal policies have made it almost impossible for many families to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.
In recent episodes of “Real Time with Bill Maher”, Liberal Maher has decried the “woke” agenda of progressive Democrats and openly worried that the nonsense from the far left was pushing voters towards Trump and risked a loss for Biden in November. He is right, but it is far more than a risk now approaching a certainty that Biden will lose. Even the “Deep State” can’t protect Biden from his own stupidity even if they can hide his corruption. “Bidenomics” is a disaster and anyone who works for a living is reminded of its desperately poor performance each time they visit the grocery store or a gas station or try to take out a mortgage to move out of their parents basement.
U.S. inflation has averaged 4.8% since Biden’s 2020 election and the cost of living has risen by 21% in just four years. While most Americans (57%) enjoyed wage increases that outpaced inflation by a small margin, 43% did not. That implies 146 million Americans are worse off today than when Biden took office.
When half the population is experiencing economic malaise, the election follows the pattern that Bill Clinton described as “it’s the economy stupid”. Young Americans suffered the worse outcomes as surging rent and house prices made it impossible for them to buy or rent a home to start a family, and they aren’t happy about it. Nearly two thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with Biden’s management of the economy.
If two thirds of voters think you have done a terrible job in managing the economy while in office, your odds of another term as President aren’t all that good.
“Even Bill Maher sees the risk of a Trump victory”
The only risk I see is if Trump doesn’t get elected. 😜
Good article! Spot on.