Want Proof that Trump policies make sense?
Harris is adopting them in her campaign
There seems little doubt that Donald Trump hit the nail on the head with his policy statements that targeted better immigration controls, lower crime rates, lower taxes (including no taxes on tips), and a pile of initiatives to bring down inflation and keep it down including “drill baby drill” to expand oil output and force down the price of energy. The best evidence he caught the imagination of voters? Kamala Harris is now promoting Trump policies as if she invented them.
I love the drama, the nonsense, and the complete abandonment of honesty and candor. This is American politics.
In her recent speeches, all from a teleprompter sticking to a prepared script, Harris has told the people of Michigan the road to the White House leads through Michigan. In a separate speech, she told the people of Wisconsin the road the White House leads through Wisconsin. This seems to be the modern version of “all roads lead to Rome”.
But the amusing part of it all is not the hypocrisy or the disingenuous nature of the speeches by Harris, it is that left wing voters are buying it. It is fun to review the bidding a bit.
Southern Border
Harris first assignment in the Biden administration was to try to solve the immigration problems at the Southern border. Today, Harris promises better border security if she is President, saying in an August 10, 2024 speech.
Democrats have been in power for three years, Harris has been the key person responsible for border security, and during that period there have been 8 million encounters with migrants at the border, an all time record in American history.
But don’t worry, when Harris is President she will fix the problem she did squat to solve while the Democrats held the White House and Senate. Sure she will, right?
Democrats spilled a lot of ink bitching about the Trump tax cuts. Trump vows to keep them in place, and adds “no tax on tips”. Harris recent speeches now claim when she is President there will be “no tax on tips" and pretty well dodges the issue except to claim there will no tax increases for people making less than $400,000, as Biden did. The Trump tax cuts are set to expire in 2025 by the legislation that created them. Harris just wants to avoid the issue of taxation other than to sign up for Trump’s “no tax on tips” since it is popular with workers in service industries.
There is no doubt that the high levels of inflation since Biden and Harris became President and Vice President three years ago arose from their fiscal and monetary policies, try as they might to blame others. Now, Harris claims she will make reducing the cost of living a “day one” priority after her election. I must have missed the headlines, but I thought she and Joe Biden had been in office for over three years and did nothing to reduce inflation other than enact the “Inflation Reduction Act” which itself is inflationary despite its anti-inflation branding.
Democrats “soft on crime” policies and the radical left’s calls to defund the police and look the other way when BLM rioters destroyed property, killed people and ran rampant looting cities saw a dramatic rise in crime. But Harris claims crime has declined during Biden’s term so far and now says she will expand police forces and crack down on crime.
But many observers say California can thank Harris for its crime problems and Harris is unclear about how her “reform” of the criminal justice system will reduce crime. Harris praised “defund the police” early in the Biden administration, and now sees better policing as a benefit that will come with her election.
While Trump touted “drill, baby drill” Harris decried “fracking” for years. Now Harris says she would never ban “fracking”
What is clear is that Harris will say whatever sells, and today embracing Trump’s policies is her best shot at persuading the electorate she should be President.
Harris’ two-faced campaign speeches haven’t hurt her a bit. She is rising quickly in the polls and has a decent shot at winning. Why? She is pretending she is just like Trump in terms of policy issues, but younger, a woman, and black, and that should qualify her for a landslide win. And that message is selling since it is music to the ears of undecided voters - vote for Trump policies without electing Trump? What could go wrong?
The old bill Clinton trick, just repeat the opposition's platform..it worked for him..
Will she do any of it, why would she, the existing laws would mostly close the border. Keep the shitizens scared..
I don’t watch tv anymore. I can’t take the non stop BS.