The most exciting candidate on the debate stage of the Republic debate last night by a country mile was Vivek Ramaswamy. He made 10 bold statements labeled TRUTH and nine of them are indisputable. His first statement “God is real” is debatable. The rest comprise a refreshing return to the values that made America such a great democracy.
At one point, Ramaswamy stated clearly “Climate change is a hoax”. He got that right. What he meant and the audience understood is that CO2 does not cause climate change and the attack on fossil fuels is misplaced, destructive and of no value to society at any level. When I heard him speak I thought - at last a young leader with the courage to state the obvious, similar to the same claim by Donald J. Trump who also saw the reality that the “climate crisis” is political, not scientific, and also called it a hoax.
Trump was a great President, like him or lump him. But his odd personality and excess baggage of litigation make him a poor choice to lead American again, not as bad as Biden but still a poor choice. Ramaswamy shares many things with Trump. Both are great leaders, both are self-made billionaires, and both would put America first and stop squandering American taxpayers money on stupid wars, a bloated administrative state, a useless “inflation reduction act” that fuels rather than reduces inflation, and massive debts that cripple future generations hopes for prosperity.
I have read “Woke, Inc.” and “A Nation of Victims”, two of Ramaswamy’s books. You only have to read a few pages to see that he is brilliant, has a deep insight into the dangers of leftist nonsense the once-valuable Democrat Party has embraced for reasons I will never understand, and the emergence of a Republican Party that had earned a reputation for bad policies for decades only to reimagine itself in the last two decades as the party of personal freedom, small government, free speech, educational excellence, and actual borders that make it a privilege to enter America and benefit from its opportunities - the space once occupied by Democrats . Even Liberal Bill Maher is beginning to realize the “woke” Democrats are not the Democrats of yesteryear.
Ramaswamy is gathering momentum and the post-debate attacks on him are evidence that party leaders on both sides of the aisle fear his candidacy. I think he will gather support and become a real threat to both Biden and Trump in 2024. Voters may have the choice between a corrupt, incompetent and geriatric Joe Biden or an honest, determined and genuine Vivek Ramaswamy and I expect most would choose the latter.
Imagine the next few years with Trudeau run out of Ottawa on a rail, Trump pardoned by new U.S. President Ramaswamy (getting rid of the nonsense that permeates the news and leaving Trump to deal with any transgressions of State laws he may be found to be culpable of and mainstream media able to actually report news), and North America heading to a future with smaller government, energy independence, a school system that teaches rather than indoctrinates, sensible immigration policies, actual law enforcement, shrinking federal deficits, free markets and individual freedoms that provide everyone with opportunity if they make an effort.
It may be a dream but it has elements of reality.
Ramaswamy’s has been, unfortunately, a covaxidiot. See
This is better than Netflix
POTUS Ramaswamy and VP Haley, 2 brown skins, put an end to all the racism distraction by the corrupt woke Democrat media complex
Attorney General RFKjr drains the SWAMP
Pass the popcorn