Turn California Republican and put an end to the Democrat party
Learn from experts in War Studies
American elections are at least the moral equivalent of civil war. The great Basil Henry Liddell-Hart, a British captain, is famous for his extraordinary books on War Studies and his analyses of how to win wars when out-manned, out-gunned and from a weaker positions across most metrics. Captain Liddell-Hart died in 1970 but his books live on.
The Democrats take California as a given, and count on its 55 electoral college seats to win elections for the Presidency. Since, like most states, California is a “winner take all” state where the party whose Presidential candidate gets the most votes gets all 54 electoral college seats. It sounds impenetrable but is the bulwark of left wing American politics. If Democrats lost California, they wouldn’t win another election for decades.
But the population of California is not as left wing as the more recent election outcomes suggest. Only 37% of all likely votes are liberal and more likely than not to vote Democrat. That outnumbers the 28% of Californian voters who are Conservative but is more or less in a tie with the 35% who are politically moderate, and to some extent independent of party lines. Latinos stereotypically hold centrist views politically.
Given the history of Democrat success in California, Republicans have all but given up trying to win the state. That is strategically wrong. That is where Liddell-Hart’s genius comes to bear.
In developing winning strategies, Liddell-Hart stressed movement, flexibility and surprise. He saw it vital to take an indirect approach, and to have alternative objectives for any campaign. Rather than attacking an enemy head on, a successful strategy dislocates their balance and weakens their beliefs.
With respect to the 2024 election, the big money spend in 2023 was larger than most realize. The parties raised $3.7 billion and spent $3.1 billion of that with more money spent on Party Committees than on winning the Presidency. By and large, across all races, the 2023 money spent on the presidential race was squandered since by September 2023 Biden was no longer running, no one can remember why they supported either candidate in 2023, and the policy shifts by the Democrat candidate Kamala Harris have been 180 degree turns.
Both parties would have been wise to keep their advertising ammunition until much later in the races. Enormous amounts of money are being spent as the November 5, 2024 date approaches.
There are good data on the money raised and spent, since all campaign expenses must be run through a bank account monitored by the Federal Election Committee (FEC). The majority of presidential candidate advertising spending is going to the so-called “swing states” -
Advertising in these critical contests focuses on well-known issues with the economy a feature in each state except Nevada.
By contrast, Democrats spend little in California which they take for granted and Republicans spend little in California since they see it as hopeless. But consider the demographics of California. Some 40% of the electorate is Latino, another 15% are Asian or Pacific Islanders and only about 5% are Black. More than half of young Californians are Latino, a group whose support for Trump is growing.
But, Voter turnout in California has been low with 36% of registered voters who choose not to vote simply not interested and another 10% lacking confidence in elections.
A smart Repulican strategy, applying the lessons from Liddell-Hart, is to set out to win Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and California. Trump has strong chances to win Florida, Georgia and North Carolina and if he doesn’t win Pennsylvania he faces almost insurmountable obstacles to get to the White House, but if he wins California he is certain to win the Presidency. So a clever attack is to focus all resources on only five states, with a significant effort to win California but targeting not only the 28% of who are Conservative but also the 35% who are independent and in both cases significant percentages are Latino.
Don’t ignore California - let the Democrats do that. Take advantage of strong Latino leaders like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Monica de la Cruz and Catherine Cortez Mastro to hold rallies in California as well as their homes states and fund their efforts generously. If Spanish speaking leaders can get through to Latino voters, particularly younger voters, in California they may be able to tip the balance of the state towards a Republican victory, if not this cycle, perhaps the next one.
Republicans used to do well in California. From 1952 through 1988, Republicans won every presidential election except the landslide loss of Barry Goldwater in 1964. Failure to make California a priority since that time is likely to reason why socialists have been so successful in American presidential elections. California is such an economic basket case, with the highest gasoline prices in the country, the highest energy costs across all sources, the worst traffic and inflation, the worse homelessness, and the worst record of environmental protection despite claims to the contrary.
Ordinary Californians know they can barely afford to live, especially young Latinos in the state. Work hard to improve their lives and watch the Democrats run for cover.
Wouldn’t that just be fabulous! Vote out the bums that have left California as one of the sewers of American urban centers. It’s disgusting to see all the fruits and nuts that inhabit San Francisco, LA, Sacramento, parts of San Diego, and Oakland. I’m sure I left out a few more cities that I haven’t visited.
Interesting perspective, hard for me to evaluate. Nixon and Reagan both came from California, Arnold was sort of a Republican and probably would have been Pres if he had been born in the US, too bad he couldnt have got a fake birth certificate... I was thinking of the British at Singapore and perhaps the Japanese were reading his work..