There is no end to the bafflegab that comes out of Democrat supporters
The suggestion that the Trump shooting was "staged" couldn't be more absurd
Kimberly Cheatle, head of the Secret Service, has resigned. No secret there.
She spent a gruelling few hours being grilled by members of Congress about the shooting and, while she dodged questions as effectively as Trump dodged calamity, she did answer quite a few questions with clear “yes” or “no” answers, something you won’t get out of Justin Trudeau who seems to have either forgotten those words in their entirety or doesn’t know the English translation of “oui” and “non”. Enough about Trudeau, I just couldn’t resist the comparison.
In any event, Cheatle confirmed some facts of the assassination attempt, including admitting there was no evidence the shooting was “staged”.
Here is what I learned from the hearing and related news reports:
The American Glass Research (AGR) building where Crooks climbed to the roof was about 130 yards from the podium where Trump spoke.
The building had been identified as a vulnerability in the days before the event.
Notwithstanding, the “perimeter” defined by event security did not include the AGR building which was left outside the perimeter.
Crooks parents had reported to police that both Thomas and his gun were missing on Saturday.
The shooter, Thomas Crooks, was first identified as a risk at 5:51 p.m., a full twenty minutes before the first shot was fired.
The Secret Service counter-snipers were notified that Crooks was a threat at 5:53 p.m., eighteen minutes before the first shot was fired.
Spectators saw Crooks climb up on the roof the AGR building and were shouting to law enforcement “he’s on the roof” “he’s got a gun”
Crooks first fired his weapon at about 6:11 p.m and fired eight rounds over the next 15 seconds. The shot that hit Trump was among the first three shots fired. The shots that injured bystanders and killed a bystander were the later shots.
Secret Service Counter-snipers shot and killed Crooks shortly after those shots were fired by Crooks.
It is fodder for conspiracy theories but no one should conclude something arose from “conspiracy” that is adequately explained by incompetence or stupidity.
In other reporting external to the Congresional hearing, news reports say that Crooks spent a period of time on Friday practising shooting at a local gun club at a 200 yard range. I presume he was sighting in his gun since zeroing a scope at 200 yards is typical for longer range shooting.
That news report included a statement that Crooks was rejected by his high school gun club for being a poor shot. Here is a clip from the news report carried by The Independent, a U.K. news media.
The state of politics in America is so bad today that one in three Democrats believe the Trump shooting was “staged”. Give that some thought, since it included about 50 million people, more or less.
I think history will record “Trump Derangement Synrome” as a certifiable mental illness. I have friends who are so anti-Trump they will believe almost anything and failing that will make shit up to criticize Trump.
Joy Read and Whoopee Goldberg should pay attention so they stop looking so completely deranged when they make shit up to tarnish Trump. They are entitled to their political views as is everyone, but when you are a “journalist” with a large public platform, you should be willing to be caught in a truth now and then.
The syndrome is beyond normalcy indeed…..