The Liberal government created a $1 billion “slush fund” called Sustainable Development Technologies Capital (“SDTC”). A whistleblower exposed irregularities involving millions of dollars of money distributed by this fund to Liberal insiders. Parliament demanded disclosure of related documents to the RCMP which Trudeau refused.
Last October, Minister Champagne did the typical Liberal response to the evidence of corruption, suspending further payments from the fund pending a “through investigation.” In Liberal-speak, a “thorough investigation” means do nothing useful and hope the issue fades from headlines over time.
The Liberals turned over a set of documents heavily redacted. That didn’t satisfy the House of Commons. Trudeau continued to refuse. The House passed a motion to demand production of the unredacted documents to the RCMP, and when the Liberals refused to comply, the Speaker acted.
The Speaker, Mr. Fergus, has suspended Parliament until all the unredacted documents are provided to the RCMP. The Speaker’s order can’t be appealed to the House.
The SDTC scandal is not the only one behind the order. The Liberals refused to disclose who was “Randy” in a scandal involving corruption allegedly by Minister Randy Boissineault. Government business will not proceed on any bill until that non-disclosure is remedied as well.
As it stands today, the Liberals are taking the position that the Conservatives are abusing the Rules of Parliament and continuing to refuse production. Karina Gould has been vocal in her diatribes against the Conservatives. Her exchange with Andrew Scheer is telling:
I doubt we will actually see any of the relevant documents but are likely to see Parliament handcuffed and incapable of acting on any Liberal bill of any nature until the matter is resolved or until next November’s election, unless an election is called earlier either by the Government or on a non-confidence motion.
What is clear is that whatever is in the documents, the Liberals don’t want it public. But the writing is on the wall - Canadians have had enough of Trudeau and statistical analysis of current polls point to a 97.5% chance of a Conservative majority in the 2025 election.
The Auditor General found that the handpicked STDC board of directors gifted their own companies an astounding 82% of STDC funding (not to mention referring their own companies for further funding from their pals in BDC).
Corruption is usually happening with any issue concerning Liberals……. Just the new order under this adbomination of a party.
Liberals have exhausted Canadian citizens with witnessing their political corruption, mass immigration ideology , and mostly ridiculous wasteful spending for far too long…..