As winter approaches, a lot of British citizens are stressed about whether they can afford to heat their homes and afford groceries at the same time. They should be worried. If there is a cold winter, the crumbling U.K. economy will see higher natural gas prices and a resumption of high inflation with higher interest rates sure to follow. The carnage in energy prices is widespread but particularly hard on the poorest.
It is easy to prove a policy failure when it is obvious that the highest increase in energy costs in absolute amounts (not just the highest in percentage terms) is inflicted on the poorest. Almost half of the poorest 10% of U.K. households will see a rise in monthly energy costs of more than 40 pounds Sterling. The poorest 10% of U.K. households had 2022 income of less than 15,000 pounds, equivalent to about CAD$24,000 a year. The rise in energy costs alone will gobble up the equivalent of CAD$1,000 a year, not to mention the base from which that rise is estimated
That base was already elevated after years of “fighting” non-existent CO2 caused climate change with draconian “climate policies” that created a physical shortage of natural gas, exacerbated by the persistent war in Ukraine. Energy costs had already increased fourfold in the prior two years.
Stupidity in Whitehall has consequences on main street, and the only relief in sight was a few grudging abatements in the silly climate policies recently announced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Those changes are not a wholesale shift, but “spun” by Sunak as a “delay” in the path to “NetZero”. Silent from U.K. media discourse is the reality that NetZero if achieved globally would see atmospheric CO2 levels fall below the 150 ppm by volume needed to support plant life within a few decades, and would see no impact on “climate” enroute, since CO2 is irrelevant to climate.
Like Canada and United States, the U.K. is in the grip of a hysterical mania fueled by socialists who live in hope that promoting climate fears will lead to a global socialist government. A more likely outcome of that political route is civil war in Western democracies where the economic penalty of the inane policies will lead to widespread poverty, economic failures and potentially economic collapse. The madness has no remedy in sight.
While there may be a socialist component, I dont see any benefits coming to any but the elites, I see it mostly as a vehicle to transfer billions from Government to Climate fear mongers.
In the past massive tax increases and spending billions on pie in the sky projects would get push back from the citizens. This is more like a religion, where you pay your money or in this case the planet is destroyed.
Focus is removed from any Government performance and taxes are easily raised.
Then money is loaned or given to friends and family for dubious work. Also fixed price contracts and/or jobs at exorbitant rates are handed out for often nothing of value. Literally $trillions have been paid out already.
Of course poor Government performance, huge waste and ridiculous policies end up hog tying the countries and are a large detriment to the middle and lower classes.
Its power and money...
In many ways like a religion, you pay money and they give you hope.
It's so bad here in the UK, that others outside are beginning to note our demise!
The WEF Net Zero scam, is really about control and striping citizens of private property & personal choices - it's just Marxism under another wrapper.
Like a farm animal, someone else will decide where you live, how you travel & what you eat - bringing everyone down to the same level (except the chosen elite).
It is however only one of a series of structural problems we have - mass uncontrolled immigration (illegal & legal) is another. The civilised west, is currently under a highly organised and coordinated attack - assisted by enemies within.
These countries will no longer be worth fighting for - exacerbated by large portions of the population having no loyalty whatsoever to their hosts.
Trump has been proven RIGHT about Sweden - a warning for all of us....