Joe Biden in a 1987 rally boasted that he went to law school on a full scholarship and ended up in the top half of the class. He said he had three degrees and was the outstanding student in the political science department. Admittedly, he did stop short of claiming he was on a volleyball scholarship.
In reality Biden graduated 76th of 85 students in his class and benefited from only a partial scholarship and fell well short of top honours. Biden’s litany of lies throughout his career is well documented. Biden speeches were plagiarized, his claim his ancestors worked in coal mines was made up, and he didn’t visit Nelson Mandela in prison as he claimed.
George Santos is the Republican version of Joe Biden. His claims that his ancestors died in the Holocaust, that he worked for Goldman Sachs, that he attended university on a volleyball scholarship, and that his mother was a 9/11 victim, make Biden’s lies seem to lack creativity or aplomb. But you have to admit, Santos has an uncanny resemblance to Biden when Biden was thirty four.
Santos was born about the time of Biden’s dismal 1988 campaign for President. Did Biden visit Brazil in 1988? Biden’s history includes a 1993 allegation of sexual misconduct by Tara Read suggesting he may have been straying from the path of fidelity to Dr. Jill (who he married in 1977).
It is fun to poke away at Biden and Santos and stir the pot a bit, but the clear evidence is that neither of them have much of an addiction to the truth and embellish their achievements (or lack of achievements) for political gain. His scams worked for Biden, and he is now President. Will Santos be the Republican candidate in 2024? Imagine the debate - it would take considerable skill by the moderator to catch either of them in a truth.
It is amazing to me that Americans choose leaders of doubtful veracity and questionable ethics. Maybe that is what attracts voters?
"It is amazing to me that Americans choose leaders of doubtful veracity and questionable ethics"
With Hollywood and huge MSM media coverage it may only be more apparent than in Canada, there have been many of dubious characters in Canada, and I dont need to look far :(
FWIW the recent drop in Chinese population was quite a surprise, have to think the official stats on 1 person in less than 1 hundred dying doesnt make sense...(My thoughts, is that on average people dont live well over 100 and with such a low birthrate average age is pretty high....