How a Biden administration benefits Russia and China and punishes Ukraine and Israel
And how Trudeau's Liberals aid and abet Biden
Joe Biden’s is little more than a puppet for the military-industrial complex and a “useful idiot” for the Communist leaders of Russia and China. Sounds a bit extreme doesn’t it? But even the dullest voters can infer intent from outcomes. Let’s review the bidding.
The Ukraine war is now in its third year. Billions of dollars of American aid have been sent to Ukraine most of it used to buy munitions from United States. Total “aid” to date is about $80 billion, about half as much as the entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ukraine. Imagine having a customer willing to spend half its GDP on your weapons? Of course, it is not hard to follow since U.S. gives them the money, which flows back to the U.S. in revenue for Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Grumman and a host of others. And these companies make millions of dollars in donations to members of the U.S. government.
The Mid-East conflict is now seven months old with no signs of an imminent end. The Jewish Press reports that U.S. supplies Israel with tons of arms and munitions, some of them “unauthorized”.
The U.S. benefits from these conflicts yet pretends it wants them to end. Really? If the U.S. wanted an end to these wars it could cripple Russia and Iran by driving down the price of oil simply by producing more oil. But it has done the opposite - putting barriers in place to prevent the oil industry from rapidly increasing output and banning drilling on some federal lands.
U.S. loves to tout the “sanctions” it has put on Russia and Iran. How have those worked out? Russia’s oil revenue is booming.
In 2021, Iran’s oil export revenue surged to $40 billion from $15 billion in 2021.
All the West needed to do to cripple Russia and Iran (and incidentally, put a lid on inflation domestically) was to “drill baby drill”. Oil markets need only small shortages to cause high prices and only small surpluses to drive prices down. Rather than encourage production growth, Biden and Trudeau have done the opposite.
Russia’s major export revenue is natural gas. While the U.S. liquified natural gas industry is expanding, Biden even put a moratorium on LNG export expansion and Trudeau publicly stated he saw no business case for LNG exports.
Doomberg’s recent article pointed out the paradox of rhetoric versus actions. Here’s a clip.
But the policies of United States and Canada are not directed at putting an end to wars but you can reasonably infer are directed at perpetuating them.
It gets worse. By subsidizing “renewables”, stifling oil & gas output, and pretending CO2 causes climate change, Biden and Trudeau are choking off an industry that pays billions in taxes and royalties while rival economies like India and China build cheap and reliable coal fired generating stations and build economies benefiting from lower cost enery while North American industry is strangled by high energy costs and in Canada’s case by a useless “carbon tax”.
When the words and music don’t go together, voters need to think about what is really going on. Biden and Trudeau lie daily. They can’t be believed. But if you are awake and sensible, you can infer why they have enacted the policies they chose - their objectives are transparent even if they won’t admit them: drive Western economies towards outright socialism, prolong foreign wars, keep citizens “alarmed” over made-up threats, and increase their own power.
You kidding? German and USA tried to sabotage Russia by blowing up nordstream pipeline, how did that work out?
260 billions so far to israel so and hundreds billions more to Ukraine. How's that punishing?