Biden's border policy is brilliant
Kamala Harris is doing the foundational research
Vice President Harris has been tasked with exploring the root causes of illegal immigration and is studying the living conditions in Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, San Salvador, Mexico and Venezula (among others) to see what the attraction to coming to America really is and develop plans to deal with it. Biden’s policy is to leave the door open so anyone can enter or leave United States at will regardless of immigration laws enacted by the U.S. Congress.
This set of policies is sure to work. Once Biden understands with precision why people are coming to the United States, dissuading them from coming is as simple as making America’s standard of living as bad as the countries migrants are coming from, and they will surely stay home. And his plan is working.
With Marxists in academia indoctrinating American kids, radical leftist activists promoting LGBTQ+ lifestyles and doing their best to make sure American girls are driven out of competitive sports by permitting biological males to enter formerly “women’s” sports leagues, Democrats have made young women feel unwelcome in United States. By making it easy for violent criminals to get out of jail free and letting looting and shoplifting run rampant in upscale neighborhoods, stores are shutting down and people are leaving for other states. By making it easy for people to become addicted to drugs and than making drugs widely available to them for free, Biden is making once beautiful cities like Los Angelese, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland almost unliveable for ordinary Americans.
Over time, immigrants from Latin America, Africa, the West Indies and Asia will decide they would prefer to go home than live in a socialist cess pool created by the Democrats. It is already happening. The New York Times reports that many immigrants are fed up and leaving.
And you thought Biden had no plans to deal with the immigration crisis. Shame on you. Just give him time and you will start to think moving to Costa Rica might be worth the candle.
This is not a 'plan' by Biden or his admin. It makes no sense. Why got to all this trouble when there is an easier way to keep them out in the 1st place? No he is bring in millions of illegals to vote Democrat & the hell with laws or constitutuion. He has already done a 180 on the border wall.
Western civilisation being destroyed at an ever accelerating rate - by the time most wake-up to what is happening, it will be too late to save!